A complex process diagram

Process vs Con-cess

Ah process, everyone’s favorite word in tech! Right up there with “synergy” and “let’s take this offline”. What can I say, I gotta work that algorithm. Process is an interesting topic though, especially when you have worked long enough in industry to have the new hires be a different generation than you. How did that happen already! I am only 35 for crying out loud!. Someone bring me some soup, and a blanket and a fully funded RRSP. ...

February 18, 2025 · 6 min
So Pretty

Passion Projects

Passion Projects Every year for the last 8 or so years (excluding the COVID blur of course) my good friend and I head wayyyyyyy up north to a small town near Bancroft. This isn’t that untypical for a Canadian living in Ontario, especially in Toronto, but what is unique is that we do this in November. Yup, sunny, warm, tropical northern Ontario in November. Why? Mostly because pain and surviving the harsh climate makes me feel alive, since as we all know I am such an adventurous and dangerous fellow… The real reason is passion, and in this case, a passion for racing. Yup, rally racing. We drive 4 odd hours to stand in the cold (with bouts in a heated bus, we truly are bougie) and watch people drive their cars fast through the woods and we love it! ...

December 6, 2023 · 4 min
Be happy

Optimism: The Human Default

Well, it was bound to happen, I lapsed in writing my blog and I am back now with something I know a lot about: My own opinions! No one else in the world has the expertise that I have in this domain, except my therapist. He knows too much… Preamble aside, lets talk about the topic of the day: Optimism as the human default. Let’s get optimistic, optimistic! ...

October 11, 2023 · 3 min