I am finally going to do it, start a blog. I have been working at a “real” company now for over a year and a half and while being here I have been exposed to the tech world in a way that I never thought would happen to me. I have already written two blog posts for my work, and am currently trying to determine a topic that I could present on for a conference.

Probably best to start with a little backstory on me. I never planned to get into programming, I was a biology / philosophy / history nerd and was originally directing my efforts into finishing a degree in biology with a focus on genetics. Being the mature (mid-twenties) student I was though, I had aspirations of no longer being broke. Computer science seem to be a path to that, and I switched to a double science major in biological and computer sciences.

I spent the first 8 years of my career (two during school and six after) at the same company. A small ISP in the town I went to school. That is where I was first exposed to Golang, and was lucky enough to have a series of mentors that shaped how I think and write code.

I started to feel that I needed to prove myself in a larger pond, and COVID offered me a unique opportunity in that all the jobs that I was interested in that used to be too far of a commute were now all remote and hiring. Also, a really great opportunity happened to find me through Stack Overflow (thanks again Kate!). That opportunity was a FinTech startup in Toronto and was the first big time tech job I ever had.

I was hired as a senior developer and quickly proved my skills. Luck and timing had me the manager of the team I was on within 4 months of starting the job and suddenly my world was moving at new fast pace. This new gig has me thinking I want to expand my “profile” in the tech world, mostly at the suggestion of some of my team members and managers. So, here is my foray into the world of blogging!

I am currently running two teams in my current role, one being the enterprise team and the other a feature team working on new items for our clients.

I plan to write about the technical challenges I solve with my teams, my thoughts and challenges in managing and some general interest stuff. So, hopefully I can share some of my experiences and knowledge, and hopefully some of that is actually interesting!

Post Cover Image from Unsplash: Drew Beamer